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WAECSSA’s Constitution states

  • Clause 11 – Control of Association
    Management and control of the affairs and operations between the dates of the Annual General Meetings shall rest with the Management Committee.
  • Clause 17 – By-Laws
    In order to facilitate the operations of the Association. By-Laws which shall have the same force as this Constitution may be prepared and circulated.

By-Laws as at 30 March 1996

One Business Meeting Meetings

  • Two Management Committee meetings to be held per term.
  • per term open to all members.


  • One member of Management Committee on each sub-committee.
  • Written reports to be presented at Management Committee meetings.
  • Sub-committees cannot commit WASSRA to a course of action – can only report to Management Committee.


  • Tabled, flag any issues.
  • Originals of any letters of importance to Secretary (copies filed with subcommittee correspondence).
  • Routine correspondence eg thank you letters filed with sub-committee correspondence.
  • Any letters/faxes requiring an immediate response from the Management Committee should be passed to the Secretary.
  • Any outgoing correspondence to be passed through Secretary prior to dispatch.


  • President or Secretary to be notified in advance of Management Committee for inclusion on agenda and allow time for research.
  • Similarly, any new issues or concerns should be notified in advance of meeting date.

Oral Communications

  • Any verbal comments pertaining to WAECSSA should be discussed in advance with the President.


  • The Newsletter Editor can be an ex-officio member of the Management Committee
  • The Treasurer shall have authority to maintain petty cash float of $40 and draw payment for accounts up to $100 without the approval of the Management Committee.
  • The Treasurer shall have authority to pay accounts within the guidelines for expenditure which have been previously approved by the Management Committee (eg Convention budget) provided that accounts are presented at the next Management Committee meeting.

By-Laws as at 17 September 1996

  • A retiring President should automatically hold the position of Immediate Past President as a member of the Management Committee.

Please click here to download the WAECSSA Bi Laws.