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Professional Learning

WAECSSA supports Corporate Service staff through professional learning opportunities held throughout the year. Opportunities to build capacity and continually develop your skill set include our annual conference held in August at Crown Perth, School Officer Day held in March and professional learning throughout the year. These are well supported through the Department’s Directorates covering a variety of areas including:

  • Leadership development and growth,
  • Finance and asset management,
  • School Administration,
  • Human resource management,
  • marketing and
  • Information and Technology management.

At these events we also draw on renowned keynote speakers who are leaders in their fields. We draw on their experiences and help you build your skill-set and apply new strategies in your workplace. Keynote speakers have included Shelly Taylor Smith, Des Penny from Proteus, Mark Donehue from Deakin University to name a few.

WAECSSA also provides opportunities to connect with colleagues informally through various functions like the sundowner to build a collegiate support frame of like-minded professionals. This is an invaluable source of information and support.

Becoming a member of WAECSSA entitles you to a lower cost for Conference and professional learning, early bird registration to events and other benefits such as updates, tips and tricks used frequently in our working day.

Keep up with WAECSSA on Facebook or subscribe to the newsletter.

Members $140.00

Non-Members $180.00

Includes refreshments, morning tea and lunch

Held at Crown Astral Rooms, 8:00am – 4:00pm

Incorporating Harmony Week, which begins on Monday 15 March and ends Sunday 21 March, we ask all delegates to wear something Orange on the day.

Great line up of presenters:

Jackie Watt; Peter Mathie; Luke James and Ben Ren; Pam Hide and Elizabeth Roberts; Angel Marshall; Erin Scata and Janine Seveli; Tyne Purdy; Fiona Winfield and special guest Dana Vulin.

Registration opens 1 February 2021


Click  here to download the  School Officer Day Program 

Please see below for our available online forms

    WAESCSSA Funding Submission

    Breakdown of costs (If Any)








    Course Cost


    Other (describe)


    Please attach any other information that may support your request and send request to the PD Coordinator.

      WAECSSA PL Feedback Sheet

      Congratulations on organising Professional Learning for WAECSSA members in your area.

      It would be appreciated if you would also send an article, including some photographs, for inclusion in 'Voice', and any other details that maybe of interest.



      Number attended:


      Cost to members:


      Please give a brief description of the Professional Learning held, comment on the outcomes of the course and include any information which could be of benefit to others wishing to plan similar professional development

      Please attach any brochures or other matter of interest.

      Thank you for taking time to complete this form.